Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Everybody *dance*

I just realized, *heavy space* is one year and seven days old. Whoa.

Even Zoey approves of a survival this long. Thanks for reading, people. Wouldn't be fun without you!

(goddamn L4D authoring tools, you)

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Hey, haven't done any fanservice in ages.
So here's I-NO, yay, and I-NO & May, yay ~.

That felt surprisingly refreshing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

OMFG (2097)

One Must Fall 2097 found it's way into my epic retro machinae through Dosbox about a week ago. It's still such a fun game, even though it's really limited comparing to the standards nowdays. You've got about three special moves and that's it. And semi-imba Jaguar among the cast of robots.
The pilot/robot combo-thingy is pretty neat though; first you select the pilot with different strenght/agility/endurance -attributes and then the robot which brings the special moves with it. So guess there is a bunch of differency available there, in theory at least. Though everyone I know only ever use Steffan, Milano or Shirro.

The epicus maximus musics nearly bring a tear to my joy-filled eye - oh the nostalgy! The Power plant theme, the menu music/OMF theme.. oh man. I'm such a retrosexual nowdays. Guess it's also a reaction to my plans of updating my hardware soon - gotta play the golden oldies while I still can, could be that after that it's mostly smooth L4D and other NEXGEN stuff for me, lots of catching up to do there.

Of course, there's some semi-RPG-like tweaking possibilities in the single player tournament mode. Lookit mah pretty Jaguar, isn't she sweet.


On a completely different note, Endeavour is up and away, yay ~. NASA TV gave a nice view of the launch tonight that got delayed a few days ago due to bad weather.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Or else it gets the hose again

Our school project is proceeding nicely on time. Can't spoil anything else except this fuel hose that I've been working on. It still needs (work on) textures - handle grips and most of the main body -, but the geometry is done and the simple rig is functioning fine. You can turn the valve, and the hose itself has control points to move it around, yay.
More of this coming later, the whole refill station is deadlined this friday.

The dude partially visible on the upper right isn't my work, he's there just to help me maintain the right scale.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Shock my system

The first System Shock (released in 1994) is freeware/abandonware today, and I just now found out that it's been made easily compatible with winXP and even Vista. I finally get to see it through, which is nice since I rank SS2 very, very high on my top-ever games. I just never had the nerve to see too much trouble getting SS1 in any playable shape before, since well..have to admit, old sprites and all that outdated stuff without the nostalgy-factor, it didn't seem that motivating, even though it was System Shock. I had enough fun at Von Braun already.

And now, after playing for a few days, aaa, SHODAN<3. She sounds somewhat cuter even, I was so impressed when I blew up some security computers and she emailed me in almost Portal-turrent kind of way "Who, who are you D:?" After that she did promise me some vast new knowledges of pain unimaginable and sent a huge armada of hunter-killer cyborgs after me, but for that little moment she seemed really sweet.

Gamewise, the controls are/were pretty revolutionary, though not that perfected yet as they're in SS2. But if it'd be up to me, every shootah game would have this delicious mix of point'n'click and WASD -based controls. You interact with the world - pick up items, go through inventory, fire your weapons - with mouse and move around with the usual WASD. Well, ASDX in this case, since S key is forward by default.
So 'Shocks utilize the best aspects of MMO and shootan gaem controls in my opinion.

The default fullscreen view with inventory open in the middle, automap on the left and weapon details on the right. You can customize it to show targeting details (if you've found the targeting hardware), item details and stuff like that.

This green girl keeps mailing me the strangest things<3. (Too bad it's voice only.)

The basic cyberspace jack for god tier hacking. God I wish SS2 would've still had these.

Good thing I brought my Drill to break the ICE (Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics) securing the data package. ICE seems to be Black ICE (the kind of ICE that usually also tries to fry the hacker while keeping them out) by default, since it splashed a volley of pain towards me as I started my drilling operation. Live and learn, keeps me on my toes.

A fierce cyberspace combat with angry software.

Nearly blew my brain for this, new games for my military grade hardware. Okay, I did also unlock a few doors.

Life can be hard on the Citadel station. Note the cute skulls lined up against the screens.

..yes, very hard.

It even supports 1024x768 resolution instead of the original 800x600 :D. Some epic high-tech here, folks!


Go get your dose now, I'm getting my ass back to Citadel.