A bit older piece, just had a few lines & touch ups waiting for this to be finished and since I felt awfully and especially tired tonight I thought I'd just finish something yet unfinished rather than start from a scratch.
Also as a cunning prelude-plan for planning to see the Dark Knight (uh, anytime now.. probably on monday), I watched Batman Begins just now.
I think I enjoyed it, yeah, it was pretty ok. It wasn't even too high-tech'ish, the usual bat-gizmos were even cutely steampunkish and everything went smoothly enough with the storyline. Didn't really blow my mind, but hey, it had its moments. (Damn you ninjas, Bruce should've trained with pirates!)
But anyways, as a result I'm eagerly looking forward to the Dark Knight now that I've heard a lot of praises about it from people I believe share a similar taste in movies.
But let's not get too excited yet, anything can happen at the theatre :p.
ANNND I also watched Blade Runner since I couldn't sleep no matter how tired I was.
Oah, my god. It's wonderful to rewatch movies that you've seen as a kid, liked them for some reason and now to realize just how good those movies actually are, in all the ways you had no idea back then.
I even have the old Blade Runner game somewhere, never finished it.. probably way up north at Home, meh.
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