Sunday, June 28, 2009


"Let me give you an idea of how fast boosterware is. There was a guy in the 102nd Cyberav back in Panama City. One night, we were all real high on something - must have been 'Lace - and some flathead fired off a round. This guy actually - believe it or not - caught the round in his hand -- a one in a million chance, sure, but he did it.

Of course, it blew his hand right off. But the way he figured it, he could always buy a new hand, and he'd be gettin' drinks off that story for the next ten years.."
- Cyberpunk 2020 rulebook

Realized that I've been drawing mostly damaged cyborgs lately, she's one of them. Also remembered that there was a pretty fitting quote in the 'punk-book, the one above. About a week old piece.

Last night I also had a spontaneous visit with a friend to this one nice, big tree near my apartment. Had a few beers while sitting on the branches, talking about life and stuff. Sun was getting up, though it was too cloudy to see anything but few rays of the shiny awesomeness that without doubt was happening somewhere out there. Have to admit, sunrises are slowly getting back their place as a symbol of hope in my book.

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