Jonne & Hiisi - Hole in the wall from amrrr on Vimeo.
So here's something me and my classmates were working on starting from last Fall.
My school produced some 40 animations for Nelonen during the winter. Here's one that's animated by me. I also did the texturing/materials for Hiisi - that green, striped dude - and also the special effects in this one, namely that welding effect and smoke.
These animations can be seen on Nelonen now accompanying the announcements (I think) during the morning cartoons :).
Copypasta from video description.
Regarding the whole project I was also involved in the script team, textured a few additional props like the marshmallow and the bubble visible in some of the clips, and helped with few other animations. There's one where Hiisi eats Jonne's gun and barfs out lazors, for that I did some tuning for the animation at one point, then there's one short loop of skipping rope. Unfortunately I simply ran out of time with the ropeskipping, had to leave the fine tuning there.. the thought gnaws me through the nights. Try watching TV to spot those I mentioned :).
The sounds were also done by our very own team helped out by the staff at Werne studios in the dark woods of Espoo. A really comfy studio that is, and our brave dubbers did a wonderful job with Hiisi and Jonne :D.

Some interesting things also happened during the early process, like the skin mesh suddenly blarghing straight out from Hiisi's mouth to infinity. Bricks were shat.

Here's also one shot of the nearly done materials and textures for Hiisi. Some things changed for the finals, but it's 95% done in this shot. Please note that I didn't make the model itself.
There's gonna be an official website for this whole project with making-of photos and stuff like that, but as of now I'm not aware it being online yet.