Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've had an invitation to Spotify for a few months now, I just didn't manage to install it until a few days ago. And oh boy, it rocks.

So every Spotify user reading this, feel free to join in or just lurk in me and my brothers collab playlist

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nightmare world

Fuck these nightmares. Even though I'm going through the emotional self-evisceration of the full acceptance that she apparently never did feel enough for me to try for real or mostly at all, my dreams refuse to let her go and no wonder, I tried, waited and believed her obscure hints for years. Nothing ruins the day more than waking up and being slapped in the face by the real world after a dream where everything was fine and as promised. Like I'd need any more reminders of my situation, doesn't help a bit with the seemingly impossible process of forgetting and moving on.

So as a result I'm missing a big deadline again, skipping school, sulking at home since I barely have the strength to raise a cup of coffee. Fun times.

Picture unrelated, just some old random stuff for the sake of being an art blog.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Right 2 die

Finally did this (also found on DeviantArt) and with it, tried the other style I'd like to use (okay, a wee bit simplified here). Maybe. The brush isn't custom yet, but I'm not sure if it needs to be after all.

Actually now that I've tried these two different things with a thought, I think I'll try to combine them somehow.

We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The end of the world

I've pretty much always toyed with this kind of sketchy line and messy colors -style and I'm still not so sure if I wanna do things that way. It does feel natural to me and I kinda like the result also..yes, it could have something more - contrasts, details - but it would lose something in exchange I think..damnit. Run or shoot, run or shoot? Where's Bill to tell me "both!"?
This is also an issue of yet confing a good 'scratchboard tool' for photoshop, I might be interested in that kind of results also with the lineart.

So yeah, this here is an attempt at grasping one of the possible styles I'd like to do a comic with; testing it out a bit with familiar Left 4 Dead characters.